Flower Essences

Our journeys to motherhood are unique unto themselves, and yet there are common themes that run throughout.  We experience parallel worries, physical symptoms, and the desire to create a fluid identity around motherhood without losing ourselves.  The emotional landscape of pregnancy, postpartum and breastfeeding is complex. There can be the highest highs and then the most sleepless, most frightful, lows. Through these times, herbs can become our allies – specifically, flower essences – which help us to subtly shift our emotional and physical states.

Flower essences are scentless and odorless (therefore distinct from essential oils) herbal formulas. Flower essences have an extremely high level of safety and can be used by people of all ages – rendering them one of the gentlest remedies for pregnant and postpartum women, as well as infants.

Flower essences are meant to be taken internally, by mouth.  For pregnancy, while nursing and in infants we recommend only those that are alcohol-free and, preferably, organic. Using them can bring calm, confidence and empowerment to your transition into motherhood – be it the first time or the fifth!  

Before Conception: The decision to have a child is not one that most people make lightly. Most people, even when the choice is relatively easy, still have a variety of concerns about their transitions to parenthood.  In this time, flower essences can be useful to build a sense of confidence and inner calm.

During Pregnancy: Some women’s pregnancies are easy, and some are hard.  Many women enjoy being pregnant and just as many do not.  Flower essences are wonderful to foster acceptance of change – and this is where they shine during pregnancy. This ability to  shift into a state of acceptance is practice for the days of motherhood to come!

During Labor & Delivery: The biggest source of fear around labor and delivery is the unpredictability of what will happen.  As much as anyone can prepare, there is a lot of unknown in the territory of labor and delivery. We adore Calm Drops for this entire time.  They feature a combination of Chamomile, Fireweed, Rose and Yarrow flower essences. Chamomile soothes overtaxed nerves.  Fireweed helps build love, warmth and compassion, especially for the self. Rose opens the heart to trust – a big important one! And Yarrow helps us be clear about our boundaries and enhances self-protection.

During Postpartum: In the weeks, months and years after childbirth there are so many changes.  Most of us need all the support we can get – from family, community, doulas, meal services, yoga videos, therapists and more.  Flower essences can certainly be of great use here, both for mama and for baby! Different essences can help with a host of things!  Sleep/wake cycles for both parties, gas and tummy troubles for baby, blues, brain fog, stress and overwhelm and more.

I know it sounds contrived, but motherhood is an ongoing journey.  The best thing we can do is collect many tools to support ourselves and our families.

Want more info on flower essences? Download our *FREE* guide to Flower Essences for Mamas & Babes HERE.

Hannah Garrison, Founder of Calm-A-Mama is an herbalist and flower essence practitioner focused on helping families embrace the ups and downs of parenthood.  All of her products are formulated to be gentle and effective for the whole family!


  1. I love this article. There are so many natural options to choose from these days.


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