Postpartum Hair Loss?

While you are pregnant, you may find that you have more good hair days than not. Your hair may appear thicker than usual and full of life. This is due to the estrogen levels in your body slowing down or even pausing the natural hair shedding process that all human beings go through. Many women look beautiful while they are pregnant; though some may feel less than attractive during the ever-changing shapes their bodies take on while carrying their bundles. So after a mother's hard work of holding their unborn child, this is a wonderful payoff, right? Well, not quite. Experts say that 3 to 6 months after birth your hormones adjust and cause the natural hair shedding process to pick up again. This means post pregnancy your hair starts to shed along with the hair you did not shed during or shortly after pregnancy. This sometimes frightening period of hair tumbleweeds throughout your home is yet another adjustment to being a mom. The good news is that this process is physically painless, perfectly normal and short-lived so rest assured that your hair will go back to its usual fullness in no time.


Read More About Kim's Pregnancy Journey Featured on Calm-A-Mama

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