How Motherhood Defines Us

Motherhood defines us as women, some in larger ways than others. While some women choose to multitask the responsibility of caring for their children while having a career, others opt to stay at home with their children full time. Of course there is no right or wrong way of parenting and factors such a financial stability and need to obtain personal aspirations often help make the decision for us. Though time and time again I have heard that many women who work full time feel as though they should be home and women who are home feel the need to venture out into the work place. It is not always a lose, lose situation, it is merely a tough place to be in. If you are currently fulfilled on the path you have chosen, it is key that you embrace the decision you have made. Growth does not thrive on feelings of guilt or stagnation. Development often unfolds at different stages of our lives, parallel to our children’s lives; guiding us to the best possible place at the time we most need it. Trust in your heart, know that we are never stuck and recognize that each year brings new opportunity and change. 


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