5 Art Projects For Your Toddler To Enjoy

Here are some great projects to help your kid get dirty while being stimulated. The most important thing to remember while creating art with your child is, it’s all about the process so make it fun. You can even gift your tot’s art piece to a loved one for Valentine’s Day.

Use non-toxic paint or simply make your own with food coloring. For this project I made paint with neon food coloring. 
For a watercolor look
Use 2-3 drops of food coloring and ¼ cup water. 
For a thicker more textured paint look
Mix water, flour and a couple drops of food coloring until 
the water and flour ratio look smooth and thick 
(ketchup consistency).

Bubble Wrap on Paper Towel Roll
Prepare thick paint and have a substantial piece of paper. Take a used paper towel roll and a cut out a strip of bubble wrap. Tape the bubble wrap to the roll using 2-sided tape.
Roll the roller through the paint getting each side covered, and then let your child roll it onto the paper. This project creates a really amazing look and may be better for slightly older toddlers because of the rolling motion. 

Plastic Wrap Art
Prepare thick paint and have a substantial piece of paper on hand. Roll up your kid’s sleeves and let them have a ball globing paint onto the paper. Once they are all finished with the paint part, use a full piece of plastic wrap, place it onto the paper and let them pinch the plastic and squeeze it. This will create texture and be super fun for them. Pull the plastic wrap off and let the art dry.

Cut Out Sponge Shapes
Prepare thick paint and have a substantial piece of paper on hand. Cut a basic kitchen sponge into star shapes, hearts whatever your little one is into. Wet and squeeze them out and have your child dip them into the paint and press the shapes onto the paper. I showed my son how the sponge made a shape onto the paper and he really enjoyed pressing the shapes down. 

Cookie Tray Tilt
Prepare watercolor paint and have a substantial piece of paper on hand, maybe even watercolor paper. Put the paper onto the cookie tray and have your toddler hold it. Pour drops of watery paint onto the paper as she or he holds the tray and encourage them to tilt it so that the color bleeds all around.

Feather Art
Prepare watercolor paint and have a substantial piece of paper on hand, maybe even watercolor paper. Use any feather, even one from a new duster. Let your child use the feather as a brush. Feathers naturally repel water so make sure the one you use really gets wet and deep into the paint.

Hope you and your child have fun with this and let me know how it goes. 

Always have an adult supervising while using art supplies with children.


  1. [ Smiles ] Oh yes, toddlers would certainly like that sort of thing!

  2. Kids, mess, art, self-expression = happy.

  3. This is such a great idea! I love it. I can't wait to try them out. Thank you for sharing.

  4. So happy to share! Enjoy the fun that comes along with it.


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