There is No Secret Formula to Parenting
As a mother, you will
hear endless opinions from parents, in-laws, friends and other mothers about
how to raise a child or what methods worked best for them. There are parents out there who I have spoken to who are
extremely adamant about sleep training and praise how well it worked for them
and their children, while others cannot imagine a night without their kid co-sleeping beside them. While most people are trying to provide good advice,
is there really a secret formula to what some do one way and others do another?
You may already know the answer to this question, of course not. Advice and
support are truly important while you are a parent, specifically a new one,
though every child, mother, father and situation is vastly unique. Seek out
support and be open to advice when need be because you are not alone in this
journey of parenthood, but understand that this experience is yours to discover.
Listen to your instincts, which are probably working on over drive and trust in
your heart. You and your partner will have the answers as you go along. The
very process will bring you the confidence you need.
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