Stress During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be one of the most wonderful and stressful times in a woman’s life. You may find creative inspiration and hope during your pregnancy, or it may dredge up old burdens of weakness. We may reflect upon our own upbringings and try to correct or fine tune methods of parenting that our mothers and fathers didn’t quite get right while raising us. We may even question our abilities and wonder if we have what it takes to be the parent(s) we strive to be. All of these anxieties are completely normal because raising a child into society is one of the most important jobs in the world and it takes much strength and introspection. It is important to be aware of your stress level during your pregnancy and inform yourself on actions that you can take if you find yourself under a lot of stress.

Here is a wonderful article explaining the effects stress has on a fetus: 


Read More About Kim's Pregnancy Journey Featured on Calm-A-Mama

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